How many times you have created a new client and then in order to login you had to unlock sap* for which you needed a restart ?
The new client added feature is added from SAP_BASIS 7.54 (SAP S/4HANA 1909).New tools to compare clients and determine the size of client is added from SAP_BASIS 7.55.
With SAP_BASIS 7.55 Service Pack 1, transaction SCC1 is finally moved to the new architecture.
What’s new in this Client Copy ?
How does new client copy has helped to increase the stability ?
It is no longer necessary to start the client copy in the target client. Instead, this can now be started in a neutral third client (usually client 000). This increases efficiency and ensures that no users romp around in the target client during the client copy. The use of the user SAP * and restart of the application server to enable the user is no longer necessary.
How is HANA Snapshot helping in this new client copy ?
Since S4HANA has only HANA is used as database , SAP has started utilizing HANA features when it comes to application related features also. The well know HANA snapshot feature is used for client copy now. Instead of first loading the data onto the application server for a local copy, the data remains on the database during a local client copy by using an INSERT FROM SELECT statement. As per the blogs it has boosted local client copy by 10X and Remote Client Copy by 5X.
What is the concept of Client Copy Optimizer ?
The new Client Copy Tool has implemented an optimizer for empty and unchanged tables again utilizing the HANA feature that is checking the HANA Database Statistics. If a table is completely empty in all the clients , if yes table can be skipped in the delete and copy phase. The optimizer also checks whether a table has been changed since the last client copy on the database, If a table has not changed since the last client copy and the last client copy had the same source and target clients, this table can also be excluded from the delete and copy phase. This optimization is particularly useful for regular copies of test clients or in the event of an aborted client copy.
What we have to for very large tables ?
A splitter algorithm is introduced , splits very large database tables by generating WHERE conditions, which can then be copied by different processes in parallel. This ensures that the allocation limit in HANA and ABAP is not exceeded during the copy process. Furthermore this algorithm increases the performance, since very large tables can be copied by several processes at the same time.
What is Class-based Exit Framework?
Exits are now based on class interfaces and now run in an isolated environment. By using interfaces, there is now a clear interface between the Client Copy Tool and the exits. Running in an isolated environment ensures that a broken exit cannot crash the entire Client Copy Tool. With SAP_BASIS 756 exits are executed in parallel processes.
Old exits are still supported and executed via a wrapper exit.
What is new with Client copy log ?
The client log is entirely revised. The logs are shown in tabs. In addition to the well-known “Client View”, there is now a “Timeline View” and a view for each copy mode (local copy, remote copy, etc.). Different columns show the exit status, the table copy status and a general message status. This makes it possible to assess the success of a client copy at a glance.
Moreover with SAP_BASIS 756, SCC3 supports the display of the client size based on the data collected by the Client Size Estimation Tool and the Client Copy Tool.
Differences between Local and Remote Client Copy ?
Remote : Often the DDIC table definitions differ between the source and target systems due to different releases. Before each remote copy, the Client Copy Tool compares the DDIC table definitions and rules out incompatible tables. A table is e.g. incompatible if a field in the target system that is available in the source system is missing or has a shorter data type.
Local : While exits run in the analysis phase of a local copy in the target system and target client, the same phase is executed in the source client for a remote copy in the source system.
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I will dropping a new blog adding new points related to this soon, Comment if you want to add anything.
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