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sapstartsrv is not started or sapcontrol is not working

 What is sapstartsrv ?

The SAP start service runs on every computer where an instance of an SAP system is started. It is implemented as a service on Windows, and as a daemon on UNIX. The process is called sapstartsrv.exe on Windows, and sapstartsrv on UNIX platforms.

The SAP start service provides the following functions for monitoring SAP systems, instances, and processes.

  • Starting and stopping

  • Monitoring the runtime state

  • Reading logs, traces, and configuration files

  • Technical information, such as network ports, active sessions, thread lists, etc.

These services are provided on SAPControl SOAP Web Service, and used by SAP monitoring tools (SAP Management Console, SAP NetWeaver Administrator, etc.).

For more understanding use this link :

How to check if it is working or not ?

In case of linux , you can simply ps -ef | grep sapstartsrv

In case of windows, you need to check the task running similarly

If it is not running you can get a error FAIL : NIECONN_REFUSED

If sapstartsrv is not starting :-

Troubleshooting :- 

1. Check sapstartsrv executable size in file is not 0

[You can simply compare DIR_EXECUTABLE/sapstartsrv with DIR_CT_RUN/sapstartsrv]

2. Check sapstartsrv.log

Start the sap startsrv if not running :

sapcontrol -nr <instance number> -function StartService <SID>

if above does not work 

/usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/exe/sapstartsrv pf = /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<profile> -D -u <sidadm> under <sidadm>  user

-D here means run as daemon user and run as sidadm user.

when you use the above command you will be able to get the exact issue with your sapstartsrv

sapstartsrv needs to create/access lock file (/tmp/.sapstartsrv<instance number>_sapstartsrv.log) and trace file (/usr/sap/<SID>/instance/work/sapstartsrv.log)

if any of files are not created for whatever reason sapstarting would be failed Error would be something like "Unable to open trace file sapstartsrv.log"

You can run [exe as run file] "usr/sap/<SID>/<instance/exe/sapstartsrv pf = <full path of instance profile>"

Typical Errors: Unable to open trace file sapstartsrv.log [Error 11 : Resource Temporary unavailable, Error 13 : Permission denies , Error 20 Not a directory , Error 30 Read only file system]

1. Check the profile parmaters are maintained for the SAP system in profile : 

pf = /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<instance or start profile> , Profile paramater SAP SYSTEM is available on this profile,name%3E_.

2. Check the ownership and permissions of the file : 

[trace file] usr/sap/<instance>/work/sapstartsrv.log ---> 666 under <sidadm>:sapsys

[lock file] /tmp/sapstartsrv<instance_number>_sapstartsrv.log ---> 644 under <sidadm>:sapsys

 3. if /usr/sap/<SID> is a mounted directory , make sure it is NOT a read only file system.

4. /tmp is accessible by everyone

/tmp directory is accesible by everyone : ls -lad /tmp

                                                                    <permissions> <user> <group> <date> /tmp

user and group should be root in this case

Changing the /tmp file ownership (it should be 777)

chmod 777 /tmp

chown root:root /tmp

chmod o+t /tmp 

(O means for all other user, in shor the program when executed by any other user then it will be executed as root but other users still have some limitations which are mentioned below A sticky bit is a permission bit that is set on a directory that allows only the owner of the file within that directory, the owner of the directory or the root user to delete or rename the file. No other user has the needed privileges to delete the file created by some other user.This is a security measure to avoid deletion of critical folders and their content (sub-directories and files though other users have full permissions.

Why do we use t ? The /tmp directory can be used by different Linux users to create temporary files. Now, what if an user deletes/rename a file created by some other user in this directory? Well, to avoid these kind of issues, the concept of sticky bit is used. So for that a 777 is given but preserving the sticky bit is not a bad idea.)


SAP NOTE 2396062 - sapcontrol fails with connection reset by peer

sapcontrol fails with connection reset by peer 

Scenario 1 : sapcontrol to perform operation on  a remote server 

sapcontrol -nr <Instance Number> -host <a remote server> -function <anymethod> -debug , shows that the sapcontrol is connceting to local server through uds

NilConnectSocket: connection pf hd1 established to /tmp/.sapstream5NN13

niping -s -H 1.1.1 (use any invalid ip addr)

NIPING is a tool delivered by SAP in the SAP executable directory (..\usr\sap\<SID>\D<instance enumeration>\exe. The tool is used by SAP support to check on the network connectivity and more important latency and throughput on the network. link for more info (

but After using this if have output as ready for client

this means that your configuration was not configured properly Incorrect Configuration 

After this involve your linux team and ask them to set "net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind" to 0 at the "/etc/sysctl.conf" (or removing this setting from file as default value is 0) 

To avoid the need of server restart , sysctl net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=0 as root dynamically restart 

if you use this command again niping -s -H 1.1.1 (use any invalid ip addr) it should work fine if you get a ERROR SiBind Failed , that means the configuration was done properly

Scenario 2 : sapcontrol to perform operation on local server

sapcontrol -nr <Instance Number> -function <anymethod> 

Verify the active value for parameter "DefaultTaskMax" with the command systemctl show -p DefaultTaskMax if the reported value is less than 65536 Edit the file "/etc/systemd/system.conf" and change the value of DefaultTaskMax to 65536

It is required to reboot the server


SAPSTARTSRV (through SAPCONTROL interface) offers a variety of web methods that can be used to monitor/manage the instances of the system. They are specially useful for handling startup error scenarios. The “must-know” ones are listed below and also the general pattern for executing them

Web methods that are usually used :

GetSystemInstanceList : list of active instances for the system, along with component list and the current status.

GetProcessList : the component list currently in place on any of the instances seen in the first command.

GetVersionInfo : Great for kernel consistency checks, this output will return the current kernel release + patch for each and every of its components within the instance informed as argument in the command line.


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